October 29, 2011

Off to Paris!!

M'en vaig de viatge a París! A la tornada actualitzo amb les millors fotos!
Aquesta foto és de l'última vegada que vaig estar a París, aquell dia amb el meu total look militar vaig tenir una anècdota divertida: una noia asiàtica amb una càmara que semblava bastant professional em va parar pel carrer i amb un anglès curiós em va preguntar si em podia fer fotos per una revista de moda del seu país, jo encantada vaig accedir.. Per uns minuts vaig ser fotografiada pels carrers de París enmig de vianants i turistes mentre els meus amics visualitzaven la siuació tronxant-se de riure (per les meves poses de l'estil 'em sento model per un dia') i crec que encara riuen.. La noia em va demanar el mail, s'el va apuntar en una agenda i em va dir que m'enviaria les fotos però MAI em van arribar... D'ella només sé de quin país era, em pregunto si soc famosa a Corea del Sud? :)
La foto és d'una mica abans que la noia em parés..portava jaqueta militar, pantalons de tall alt verd militar, botes altes i bolso camel. A la tornada espero tenir altres anècdotes per explicar!
Bona castanyada i bona entrada de Novembre!

I'm off to París for some days! I will update with the best pics once I'm back!
This picture was taken the last time I was in Paris. That day, with my military total look I a funny story happened to me: an Asian girl carrying a pretty professional camera stopped me in the street and with a curious English asked me permission to take me some pictures for a fashion magazine in her country, delighted I accepted.. For a few minutes I was shot through the streets of Paris surrounded by pedestrians and tourists while my friends were laughing regarding the situation (due to my 'I feel like a model for a day' poses), I think they are still laughing... The girl asked me my email address, she wrote it down her diary and told me she was going to send me the pictures but I NEVER got them.. I only know where she was from, I wonder if I am famous in South Corea? :)
The pic was taken a while before the girl stopped me..I was wearing military jacket, military green high-waisted pants, high boots and camel bag. Hope to have some other stories to tell when I'm back!
Happy Halloween and happy beginning of November!

PS: Cara Anaïs ci vediamo a Parigi!
xoxo anna

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