October 24, 2011

Shopping Night by MANGO -Roma, May 2010

Fa poc va haver-hi la Shopping night de Mango a Barcelona i em va venir al cap la nit que hi havia anat a Roma l'any passat quan vivia allà. Les imatges parlen per si soles, va ser una gran nit de shopping amb les meves amigues Kristine, Sara, Anaïs, Ana & Esther. Un dia fullejant la revista Glamour havia trobat l'invitació i els hi vaig proposar d'anar-hi, vam decidir que seria una nit a lo "Sex and the City" és a dir, només noies, glamour i diversió, i així va ser. Glamour, martinis, sessions de maquillatge, molta roba per tot arreu, cues als probadors, cues per pagar però sobretot..diversió! Una nit per recordar. :)

The Shopping Night by Mango in Barcelona took place recently and it came to my mind the night I went to this event in Rome last year when I was living there. The pictures speak for themselves, it was a great shopping night with my friends Kristine, Sara, Anaïs, Ana & Esther. One day, flipping through the Glamour magazine I had found the invitation so I proposed them to go. We decided it would be like a "Sex and the City" night, which involves only girls, glamour and fun and it was just like that. Glamour, martinis, make up sessions, loads of clothes everywhere, queues in the fitting room, queues to pay but specially..fun! A night to remember. :)

Mi mancate voi e questi momenti insieme a Roma!

xoxo anna

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